Retrouvez les publications de recherche du Cnam-Intechmer classées en différentes catégories :
> Communication
Furgerot L., Bailly-du-Bois P., Morillon M., Poizot E. et Méar Y. (2019). Ambient turbulence related to the bathymetry in a high energetic tidal site (Alderney Race). Seanergy, Dunkerque (France), 5-6 juin 2019.
Grondeau M., Poirier J.-C., Guillou S., Méar Y., Mercier P. et Poizot E. (2019). Modelling the wake of a tidal turbine with upstream turbulence: LBM-LES versus Navier-Stokes LES. 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Napoli, Italy,1/9/19 to 6 /9/19.
Grondeau M., Mercier P., Guillou S.S., Poirier J., Poizot E. et Méar Y. (2019) Numerical Simulation of a Tidal Turbine Model in a Turbulent Flow with the Lattice Boltzmann Method,12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Proceeding, Cork, 28-31 August 2017, #913, 8p.
Guillou S.S., Filipot JF, Duart R., Thiébot J., Germain G., Chaplain N., Ikheunnicheu M. Duart R., Gaurier B., Bourgoin A., Mercier P., Ata R., Laverne J., Benhamadouche S., Pieterse A., Maisondieu C., Poizot E., Poirier J.C., Auvray C., Droniou E., Arramounet A. et Pinon G. (2019). Turbulence characterization at the Raz Blanchard tidal energy site. Towards a turbulence characterization in tidal energy sites. First results of THYMOTE project. 5ième Congrès International Francophone de Mécanique Avancée, Beyrouth, CIFMA, 31/10 au 2/11 2018.
Khaled F., Guillou S., Méar Y. et Hadri F. (2019). Numerical modelling of the impact of hydrokinetic turbine on the morphology of the near sandy bed. 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Napoli, Italy,1/9/19 to 6 /9/19.
Khaled F., Guillou S., Méar Y. et Hadri F. (2018). THESIS, The 4th symposium on two-phase modeling for sediment dynamics in geophysical flows. Newark, Delaware, USA, September 17-19, 2019.
Naval, énergies, Corrodys, Cnam/Intechmer (2019). Test of antifouling coatings for MRE infrastructures (programme Paseafic). Seanergy, Dunkerque (France), 5-6 juin 2019.
Mercier P., Grondeau M., Guillou S.S., Thiébot J. et Poizot E. (2019). High resolution large eddy simulation for tidal site turbulence characterization,13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Proceeding, Napoli, 2-31 Sept. 2019, 7p.
Mercier P., Grondeau M., Guillou S.S., Thiébot J. et Poizot E. (2019). Toward the Modelling of Turbulence at Tidal Stream Power Sites with the Lattice Boltzmann Method,12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Proceeding, Cork, 28-31 August 2017, #892, 8p.
Nasri K., Gregoire G., Murat A., Fiallo M., Sharrock P. et Hanotel M., (2019) Sediment behavior in soil currently collected from the watersheds of the ancient huelgoat mine (Brittany, France): Pb-bearing phases. 17th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, 16-20 Juin 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Poizot E., Méar Y., (2019). In-situ turbulence measurements at sea - different technics in different environments. ERCOFTAC/SIG42 14th Workshop on Synthetic Turbulence Models - Synthetic methods, complex/fractal flows and porous media, 27-28 juin 2019, Caen, France
Furgerot L., Bailly-du-Bois P., Morillon M., Poizot E. et Méar Y. (2019). Ambient turbulence related to the bathymetry in a high energetic tidal site (Alderney Race). Seanergy, Dunkerque (France), 5-6 juin 2019.
Grondeau M., Poirier J.-C., Guillou S., Méar Y., Mercier P. et Poizot E. (2019). Modelling the wake of a tidal turbine with upstream turbulence: LBM-LES versus Navier-Stokes LES. 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Napoli, Italy,1/9/19 to 6 /9/19.
Grondeau M., Mercier P., Guillou S.S., Poirier J., Poizot E. et Méar Y. (2019) Numerical Simulation of a Tidal Turbine Model in a Turbulent Flow with the Lattice Boltzmann Method,12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Proceeding, Cork, 28-31 August 2017, #913, 8p.
Guillou S.S., Filipot JF, Duart R., Thiébot J., Germain G., Chaplain N., Ikheunnicheu M. Duart R., Gaurier B., Bourgoin A., Mercier P., Ata R., Laverne J., Benhamadouche S., Pieterse A., Maisondieu C., Poizot E., Poirier J.C., Auvray C., Droniou E., Arramounet A. et Pinon G. (2019). Turbulence characterization at the Raz Blanchard tidal energy site. Towards a turbulence characterization in tidal energy sites. First results of THYMOTE project. 5ième Congrès International Francophone de Mécanique Avancée, Beyrouth, CIFMA, 31/10 au 2/11 2018.
Khaled F., Guillou S., Méar Y. et Hadri F. (2019). Numerical modelling of the impact of hydrokinetic turbine on the morphology of the near sandy bed. 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Napoli, Italy,1/9/19 to 6 /9/19.
Khaled F., Guillou S., Méar Y. et Hadri F. (2018). THESIS, The 4th symposium on two-phase modeling for sediment dynamics in geophysical flows. Newark, Delaware, USA, September 17-19, 2019.
Naval, énergies, Corrodys, Cnam/Intechmer (2019). Test of antifouling coatings for MRE infrastructures (programme Paseafic). Seanergy, Dunkerque (France), 5-6 juin 2019.
Mercier P., Grondeau M., Guillou S.S., Thiébot J. et Poizot E. (2019). High resolution large eddy simulation for tidal site turbulence characterization,13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Proceeding, Napoli, 2-31 Sept. 2019, 7p.
Mercier P., Grondeau M., Guillou S.S., Thiébot J. et Poizot E. (2019). Toward the Modelling of Turbulence at Tidal Stream Power Sites with the Lattice Boltzmann Method,12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Proceeding, Cork, 28-31 August 2017, #892, 8p.
Nasri K., Gregoire G., Murat A., Fiallo M., Sharrock P. et Hanotel M., (2019) Sediment behavior in soil currently collected from the watersheds of the ancient huelgoat mine (Brittany, France): Pb-bearing phases. 17th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, 16-20 Juin 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Poizot E., Méar Y., (2019). In-situ turbulence measurements at sea - different technics in different environments. ERCOFTAC/SIG42 14th Workshop on Synthetic Turbulence Models - Synthetic methods, complex/fractal flows and porous media, 27-28 juin 2019, Caen, France
> Les publications
Grégoire G., Méar Y., Poizot E., Marion C., Murat Hebert B. (2019). Morpho-sedimentological trends in an artificial roadstead (Cherbourg, France). Accepted pour publication par Journal of Maps.
Furgerot L., Violet M., Poprawski Y., Poizot E., Bailly du Bois P., Morillon M. et Méar Y. (2019). Mapping of bedrock and mobile vs. encrusted quaternary sediment in tide-dominated environment from high-resolution bathymetric map. Acceptée pour publication par Journal of Maps.
Guillou S.S., Filipot JF, Duart R., Thiébot J., Germain G., Chaplain N., Ikhennicheu M., Duart R., Gaurier B., Bourgoin A., Mercier P., Ata R., Laverne J., Benhamadouche S., Pieterse A., Maisondieu C., Poizot E., Poirier J.C., Auvray C., Droniou E., Arramounet A., et Pinon G. (2019). Towards a turbulence characterization in tidal energy sites. First results of THYMOTE project. MATEC Web of Conferences 261(42):05002.
Champilou J.-B., Baltzer A., Murat A., Reynaud M., Maillet G.M., Nardelli M.P. et Metzger E. (2019). New evidence of perfect overlapping of Haploops and pockmarks field: is it a coincidence? Accepté pour publication par Marine Geology.
> Les chapitres de livre
Millot S., Bégout M.L. et Benhaïm D. (2014). Foraging behaviour. In: The Biology of Sea bass (FJ Sánchez-Vázquez & JA Muñoz-Cueto Eds), Science Publishers, Ltd, British Channel Islands, Enfield, New Hampshire, USA, 207-230 pp.
Connan S. (2015). Spectrophotometric assays of major compounds extracted from algae. In: Stengel DB & Connan S (Eds) Natural Products from Marine Algae: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology series. Springer Vol. 1308. ISBS 978-1-4939-2683-1.
Stengel D.B. et Connan S. (2015) Natural Products from Marine Algae: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology series. Springer, Vol. 1308. ISBN 978-1-4939-2683-1.
Stengel D.B. et Connan S. (2015) Marine algae a source of biomass for biotechnological applications. In: Natural Products from Marine Algae: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology series, Stengel DB & Connan S Eds, Springer, 1308. ISBS 978-1-4939-2683-1.
Leleyter L., Baraud F., Gil O., Gouali S., Lemoine M. et Orvain F. (2016). Aluminium impact on the growth of benthic diatom. In: Marine Sediments: Formation, Distribution and Environmental Impacts, Chap. 3, Nova Science Publishers, Williams Sh Ed., 61-79.
> Les thèses
Sous la direction de J.R. ANGILLELA et Y. MEAR (co-encadrant E. POIZOT)
N’GUYEN H. Y. (2018). Modélisation des mécanismes d'érosion et de resuspension par méthode numérique. Application aux écoulements géophysiques. Financement : gouvernement Vietnamien (CampusFrance). 145 pp.
Sous la direction de S. GUILLOU et Y. MEAR (co-encadrant E. POIZOT)
GRONDEAU M. (2018). Modélisation fine des effets de sillage et de la dynamique sédimentaire en faible profondeur, en conditions de courant et d’agitation extrêmes. 163 pp.
Sous la direction de S. GUILLOU (co-encadrant E. POIZOT)
MERCIER Ph. Modélisation de la turbulence engendrée par la bathymétrie dans le Raz Blanchard : Approche locale (LBM-LES). Financement : projet ANR ITE THYMOTE. Directeur : Sylvain Guillou, Co-encadrants : E. Poizot, Jérôme Thiébot (soutenance prévue début 2019).
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Régis Gallon
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